- Multiple values for a single field can be added by separating each by semicolon. Additionally, for team criteria, there is an option to pick multiple values from the list.
- To handle enrichment after a record is inserted, enable the Queue Assignment flag on the configuration tab. Set the distribution time from the queue on less than an hour/ hourly and daily basis.
- Activation Status- Check the status of the User to which the record should have been assigned. Go to the Manage Users/Teams Tab and Search for either the user or the team in which the user has been assigned. Mark Online if not done already.
- User Schedule/ Working Hours- Check the User Schedule from the Related Tab of an RRD User.
- Activate/ Deactivate Component on Lightning- If the User if OOO or PTO, then the user can choose to deactivate himself/herself from assignment. Please verify if that’s set to Activate.
- Queue Assignment Checked- On the Step-1 Configuration’s page, if the Queue Assignment is checked, then all the records would move to the queue irrespective of any default settings.
- Caps- If the team/ team members have reached their team level cap or distributor caps they will not be assigned more.
- Check if the assignment was made through RRD- Sometimes the records aren’t assigned at all or they have been manually assigned to the user. Add some related lists from the page layout to verify the same.
- Order of execution- If there are multiple teams with the same criteria but different priority order, the team which comes first in the order would be assigned the record first until the team level cap is full.
- Check if the relationship-based assignment is taking precedence- On the Step-1 Configuration’s page, if criteria is selected on Relationship based assignment, it will override the round robin algorithm.
- Using Data Loader and Bulk API, divide these batches into chunks of a smaller size.
- The cases will not be assigned to a user if the current cycle limit has exceeded or if the criteria don’t match.
- Set up field tracking history for Released case, RRD user, Assignment type and Salesforce user in RRD assignments Object to track the behavior of cases assigned to a specific user to troubleshoot.
- Batches in RRD run through user reference and if a user is inactive the jobs won’t run. Use a API User or assign the jobs to an active user after deleting the existing scheduled jobs.
- Teams Priority- RRD offers setting priority to teams with same criteria to enable a team assignment and distribution before any other RRD Team.
- Users Priority- By setting last lead/case assigned date and time, one can handle the assignment and distribution order for users within a team.
- ‘Do not apply round robin’ check works on the time of record creation. While updating an existing record, re-assignment due to some existing triggers aren’t handled by the flag but are customizable. For further assistance for implementations, contact the technical support team.
- Assignment Cycle- Assignment Cycle controls the routing of the new leads and cases in the environment to the specified team and user based upon the past relationship, criteria and weighted allocation.
- Distribution Cycle- From the distribution of the records from the queue, the distribution cycle runs on the defined time.
- Admins can set and mark certain users offline or deactivate a user from the team using ‘Manage Teams/Users’ tab.
- Round Robin Distributor offer team level and user level caps on all the SFDC objects but in some specific use-cases, customers need to assign records manually while maintaining the assignment limit with an RRD Team and User.
- On checking ‘Handle Manual Assignments’ checkbox, the manually assigned cases to a user are also considered to handle weighted allocation.